
I like jewelry but not the kind that occupies large pieces of real estate on different body parts. I like subtle; delicate; the kind of jewelry that nobody notices until they start having a conversation with you and begin to find you interesting. Statement jewelry is not my thing and most tech wearables that you can make right now can only be “statement” pieces because of the large form factors of the devices and the large battery packs you would have to carry with you to drive those devices. Form factors have reduced tremendously now and, of course, Sparkfun and Adafruit have a large variety of offerings for wareable projects but they are still way too big for me. Let’s just say that if I were to wear any tech wearable out there, be it a FitBit or some maker project, I would make sure to wear it in company that appreciates technology and makers.

So I started this project to see if I could create a piece of tech that I could wear in a non-tech environment i.e. that looks like regular jewelry until you push a button.


The source code is here, but all of my pictures, doodles, musings, attempts, failures and successes are documented here. The github page will lead you here too.


April 29 2017 - Troubleshooting a “leaky” LED issue